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David J. DiPerri, CPA

The Servant Mission has Begun!

Today we officially step on the world stage and begin what has been the culmination of a lifelong journey. CI4Biz, which stands for Continuous Improvement for Business, is aimed at "serving" the Business Owner in their quest to achieve optimal business results. We are inexorably connected. Our DNA is the same. You have a passion to deliver your products and services to your Customers with exceptional value -- and so do we.

We equate our work as a mission. Our desire is to serve and is deeply seeded. We believe that in serving others we grow as well. We embrace a more robust view of how business can be "experienced" from the lens of the Customer and the Owner and the Employee. We call it the Win / Win / Win box. Our service delivery approach allows you tap into the most important energy source in your business; your Employees. Your Employees are the game-changers. They are the difference-makers in providing Customer Service Excellence. They, by their actions, innovations and expressions allow you, the Business Owner, a path toward growth, market differentiation and ultimately, business value.

So let us begin. We will be posting a series of short videos and educational posts to help bring our delivery model to life. We will address the impacting techniques, methods and yes, the mindset of Continuous Improvement. You can expect to grow, change, learn, make mistakes and grow some more. It is never ending and those who dare to traverse the footsteps of Continuous Improvement for their businesses, may encounter some revelations that pertain to their personal lives as well.

Thank you for allowing me to share the "tip of the iceberg" with you today. We are honored, humbled and excited to share our knowledge, insights and energy toward helping you gain greater fulfillment and satisfaction from your business efforts. We look forward to aligning our energies with yours!

Karma to the universe.....


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